Acabamos de tener elecciones en Italia. A propósito recomiendo este trabajo:
The Construction of Contemporary Leadership in Italy and France
Donatella Campus. University of Bologna
In contemporary democracies the ascent of political leaders cannot be explained without referring to their communication style and campaign strategies. This paper intends to analyze two different countries, Italy and France, which have recently experienced a remarkable increase of personalization and mediatization of politics. First of all, I will carry out an exploration of similarities and differences in Italian and French electoral campaigns paying special attention to the role of media in the construction of leadership. Then, I will attempt at providing a comparison between the two leaders who have put their marks on recent electoral campaigns: Silvio Berlusconi and Nicolas Sarkozy. Both leaders are credited with a notable expertise in political marketing and news management. The analysis will highlight common aspects, but will also underline those different features allowing us to identify and design at least two distinct types of “mediatized” leadership
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El texto es una ponencia presentada en:
58th Political Studies Association Annual Conference (UK)
Democracy, Governance and Conflict: Dilemmas of Theory and Practice
1 - 3 April 2008. Swansea University
Todas las ponencias presentadas pueden descargarse de aquí:
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ACTUALIZACIÓN, 20 de abril
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Esperpento con esteroides
Vivimos tiempos esperpénticos, con esteroides. Tan infectos y complejos en
su toxicidad y en sus asaltos a la inteligencia, que por momentos resulta
Hace 5 horas.
2 comentarios:
Je me permets de vous suggérer la lecture de "Storytelling, (la machine à fabriquer des histoires et à formater les esprits.)" de Christian Salmon qui a fait un tabac l'année dernière en France.
Quand je vois les élections, aussi bien en France qu'en Italie récemment je ne pense qu'à une chose : l'humanité est desespérante...
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