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Direct Democracy: The International IDEA Handbook
Referendums, citizens' initiatives, agenda initiatives, and recalls are studied in this handbook aimed at enhancing the participation of citizens in the democratic process. Other books on direct democracy often focus on one specific topic or report on a particular regional or national model. This guide, however, is based on a survey of direct democracy in 214 countries and territories, and the generous data is used to recommend best practice for each of the four kinds of direct action discussed. In addition, several case studies from around the world provide practical information on signature collection, voter registration, campaign financing, media coverage, and political lessons learned.
Configuraciones políticas en los departamentos de Bolivia. La construcción plural del nuevo campo político
This study maps the political and social arrangements in eight departments in Bolivia: La Paz, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, Beni, Oruro, Potosí, Chuquisaca and Tarija. The objective of the study is to contribute to the on-going debate on geographically based political divides in Bolivia.
Experiencias de construcción partidaria en América Latina
This workshop report shares experiences in political party-building from several Latin American countries. The workshop which was held in July 2007, brought together political analysts and party leaders from Brazil, Uruguay, Mexico, Chile and Colombia to share their experiences on the development of political organizations in those countries with representatives of Bolivian political organizations.
Foros locales de debate preconstituyente
A series of forums for analysis and discussions have been organized in four cities located in different regions of Ecuador. The main purposes of these events were to encourage political participation; to contribute to the development of a democratic culture and to provide access and public understanding on the role of the Constituent Assembly.
Angélica Morales - dios aleluya...
[image: Angélica Morales - dios aleluya...]
dios aleluya
dios mira a tu hija más díscola
mira a la mujer que engulle la fiebre
y después se tumba a morir...
Hace 9 horas.
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