Rein Taagepera (University of California at Irvine and Tartu University, Estonia) ha recibido el Johan Skytte Prize in Political Science, “for his profound analysis of the function of electoral systems in representative democracy”. Este premio es otorgado por la Universidad de Uppsala (Suecia), y es lo que más se acerca a un "premio nobel" en ciencia política (otro premio importante es el Príncipe de Asturias en ciencias sociales).
La lista completa de ganadores:
Rein Taagepera, University of California at Irvine and Tartu University, Estonia, "for his profound analysis of the function of electoral systems in representative democracy".
Theda Skocpol, Harvard University, USA, "for her visionary analysis of the significance of the state for revolutions, welfare and poltical trust, pursued withy theoretical depth and empirical evidence."
Robert Putnam, Harvard University, USA, "for his theory of the social capital."
Robert Keohane, Princeton University, USA, "for his significant contribution to our understanding of world politics in an era of interdependence, globalisation and terrorism."
Jean Blondel, professor, European University Institute, Florence, "for his outstanding contribution to the professionalisation of European political science, both as a pioneering comparativist and an institution builder"
Hanna Pitkin, professor, Berkeley, "for her pathbreaking theoretical work, predominantly on the problem of representation."
Sidney Verba, professor, Harvard University, "for his penetrating empirical analysis of political participation and its significance for the functioning of democracy".
Brian Barry, professor, Columbia University, New York, "for his profound contribution to normative political theory performed with passion as well as clarity in the grand tradition from the Enlightenment".
Fritz W. Scharpf, professor, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies in Cologne, Germany, "for having analysed key concepts of political science with theoretical clarity and empirical thoroughness during an era of transnational change".
Elinor Ostrom, professor, Indiana University, USA, "for her profound, empirical as well as theoretical, analysis of the nature of collective action and rational choice".
Alexander George, born 1920, professor, Stanford University, USA, "for his pathbreaking analysis of statecraft, its possibilities and limits, performed with great sensitivity for the importance of judgement, reasoned argumentation and responsible leadership in foreign policy decision-making".
Arend Lijphart, born 1936, professor, University of California, USA, "for his theoretically and empirically pathbreaking research on the function of consensus in democratic politics in divided as well as in homogeneous societies".
Juan J. Linz, born 1926, professor, Yale University, USA, "for his global investigation of the fragility of democracy in the face of the authoritarian threat, characterized by methodological versatility and historical and sociological breadth".
Robert A. Dahl, born 1915, professor emeritus, Yale University, USA, "for his penetrating analysis of democratic theory, characterized by deep learning and breadth of mind, combined with epochal empirical studies of the actual functioning of representative government".
Algunos textos de Taagepera, y de muchos otros "pesos pesados", pueden encontrarse aquí:
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