Les recomiendo consultar los Andean Working Paper Series, disponibles en línea:
Adrián Bonilla and César Montúfar
August 2008
Two Perspectives on Ecuador: Rafael Correa's Political Project
Teodoro Petkoff
July 2008
A Watershed Moment for Venezuela
George Gray Molina
July 2008
Bolivia's Long and Winding Road
Antonio Navarro Wolff
January 2007
Ending the Conflict with the FARC: Time for a New Course
Genaro Arriagada
December 2006
Petropolitics in Latin America: A Review of Energy Policy and Regional Relations
Rodrigo Pardo
November 2006
A New Uribe: Álvaro Uribe's Second-Term Challenges
Carlos Basombrío Iglesias
April 2006
The Military and Politics in the Andean Region
Michael Shifter
July 2005
Towards Greater "Human Security" and Peace in Colombia
César Montúfar
July 2005
The Risk of a Regional Human Rights and Humanitarian Crisis
Eduardo Gamarra
June 2005
State, Drug Policy, and Democracy in the Andes
Sabine Kurtenbach
June 2005
Europe and the Colombian Conflict
Vinay Jawahar
June 2004
Turning Point in Colombia?: Rapporteur’s Report, Colombia Working Group
Fernando Cepeda Ulloa
August 2003
A New Approach: Álvaro Uribe's Democratic Security Project
Eduardo Pizarro Leongómez
July 2003
Álvaro Uribe: Dissident
Eduardo Posada Carbó
August 2002
Doing Something in Colombia
Rafael Pardo Rueda
July 2002
The Prospects for Peace in Colombia: Lessons from Recent Experience
Daniel Mack and Victoria Wigodzky
June 2002
Reflections on the Colombian Conflict
Joaquín Villalobos
June 2002
Colombia: Negotiate, But What?
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