jueves, 17 de mayo de 2007

International Journal of Zizek Studies, vol.1,no.2, 2007

Vol 1, No 2 (2007)
Žižek & Badiou

Table of Contents


Truth as Formal Catholicism - On Alain Badiou, Saint Paul: La Fondation de l'universalisme
Marc de Kesel

Badiou: Notes From an Ongoing Debate
Slavoj Žižek

Addendum: ‘Let a thousand flowers bloom!’ - Some Brief Remarks on and Responses to Žižek’s ‘Badiou: Notes from an Ongoing Debate’
Adrian Johnston

The Quick and the Dead: Alain Badiou and the Split Speeds of Transformation
Adrian Johnston

Žižek’s struggle with “the usual gang of democracy-to-come-deconstructionist-postsecular-Levinasian-respect-for-Otherness suspects”
Ken Jackson

Symptomal Knots and Evental Ruptures: Žižek, Badiou and Discerning the Indiscernible
Levi R. Bryant

Against Spontaneity: The Act as Over-Censorship in Badiou, Lacan, and Žižek
Ed Pluth

Forthcoming - Phantoms of Inconsistency: Badiou, Žižek and Lacan on Repetition"
Lorenzo Chiesa

Reviews and Debates

Socialism reconsidered: Remarks on Žižek`s Repeating Lenin
Tonci Valenci

Los textos se pueden ver en: http://zizekstudies.org/index.php/ijzs/issue/view/4

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