Volume 43, Number 1 (2008)
Editor's Foreword: LARR’s New Relationship with LASA
La primera mujer presidenta de Chile: ¿Qué explicó el triunfo de Michelle Bachelet en las elecciones de 2005–2006?
by Mauricio Morales Quiroga
Localizing and Globalizing Processes in Brazilian Catholicism: Comparing Inculturation in Liberationist and Charismatic Catholic Cultures
by Marjo de Theije and Cecília L. Mariz
Macroeconomic Deeds, Not Reform Words: The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America
by Alfred P. Montero
Integración monetaria y financiera en América del Sur y en Asia
by Julimar da Silva Bichara, André Moreira Cunha, and Marcos Tadeo Caputi Lélis
Vivir (en) la Ciudad de México: Espacio vivido e imaginarios espaciales de un grupo de migrantes de alta calificación
by Anna Ortiz Guitart and Cristóbal Mendoza
Gendered Selectivity: U.S. Mexican Immigrants and Mexican Nonmigrants, 1960–2000
by Cynthia Feliciano
The Organic Agro-Export Boom in the Dominican Republic: Maintaining Tradition or Fostering Transformation?
by Laura T. Raynolds
Research Reports and Notes
China Matters: China’s Economic Impact in Latin America
by Kevin P. Gallagher and Roberto Porzecanski
Review Essays
Frontier Theory as an Explanatory Tool for Brazilian History: A Viable Construct?
by Jane M. Rausch
Gilberto Freyre: The Reassessment Continues
by david lehmann
Race, Gender, and Ethnicity in Contemporary Brazil
by mónica treviño gonzález
Latin Americans at Home Abroad
by judith a. boruchoff
Understanding Past and Present Changes in Latin American Cities
by dominique vidal
The Third Wave of Democracy: Findings and Implications
by fabrice lehoucq
Of Time and Space in Mexico, Native and Colonial
by john f. schwaller
La revista puede conseguirse en la hemeroteca de la PUCP y del IEP. Por último, uno puede suscribirse a la revista, no es muy caro, y realmente vale la pena.
De otro lado, salió el último número de World Politics, otra de las grandes revistas de la disciplina.

Vol. 60, No. 1
October 2007
The State and Coordinated Capitalism: Contributions of the Public Sector to Social Solidarity in Postindustrial Societies
By Cathie Jo Martin and Kathleen Thelen
The Observer Effect in International Politics: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
By Susan D. Hyde
Ideas, Networks, and the Relative Success or Failure of Islamist Mobilization: A Comparison of Three Islamist Movements in the Former Soviet Republics
By Kathleen Collins
Low-Intensity Democracy Revisited: The Effects of Economic Liberalization on Political Activity in Latin America
By Moises Arce and Paul T. Bellinger, Jr.
Courts and Judges in Authoritarian Regimes
By Peter H. Solomon, Jr.
World Politcs es una revista cara; se puede consultar en la hemeroteca de la PUCP y en el centro de documentación de la Embajada de los Estados Unidos.
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