Este lunes y martes estaré en Miami, en una conferencia sobre responsabilidad social empresarial en América Latina; presentaré una ponencia escrita junto con Ludwig Huber y
Carlos Meléndez, sobre las políticas de responsabilidad social empresarial y los conflictos mineros en el Perú. Tomo como base de análisis los casos de Yanacocha y Antamina.
Business and the Politics of Corporate Social Responsibility in Latin America
September 24-26
Hurricane 100 Room—University of Miami BankUnited Center
Orange Key Room 245 University Center
Sponsored by
Center for Latin American Studies
Department of International Studies
Hispanic Scholarship Fund—UM Chapter
With the support of a LASA-Ford Special Projects Grant
Sunday September 24th
Participants’ dinner at Havana Harry’s, Coral Gables, 8 pm
Monday September 25th
8:15 Coffee and bagels
8:30 Welcoming Remarks and Introductory Presentation
—Felipe Agüero
9:00 First round of comments of workshop papers by discussants
Bill Smith and Eduardo Silva
10:00 Discussion of Brazil case—paper by Eduardo R. Gomes
10:45 Discussion of Argentina case—paper by Enrique Peruzzotti
11:30 Discussion of Peru case—paper by Cynthia Sanborn
12:15 Lunch Break (on site)
1:15 Discussion of Peruvian mining sector—paper by Martín Tanaka
2:30 Discussion of Chile case—paper by Felipe Agüero and
Gonzalo de la Maza
3:15 Discussion of Celco Cellulose company case—paper by
Gonzalo de la Maza
4:00 Discussion of Mexico case—paper by Monica Tapia
4:45 Discussion of Colombia case—paper by Angelika Rettberg
5:30 Adjourn
Tuesday September 26th
9:30 Comments by discussants on previous day’s country
case discussions
10:30 General discussion
11:30 Summary and closing remarks--Agüero
11:45 Adjourn
12:00 Luncheon – Center for Latin American Studies
Charles Bukowksy – Para Jane
[image: Charles Bukowksy – Para Jane]
Versión: *Isaías Garde*
225 días bajo el pasto
y sabés más que yo.
hace mucho que te quitaron la sangre,
sos vara...
Hace 4 horas.
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