Recomiendo mucho este libro, que les puede dar una idea del tipo de trabajo de la "nueva generación" de científicos sociales latinoamericanos y latinoamericanistas. Todos ellos obtuvieron sus doctorados en años recientes.
New Voices in Studies in the Study of Democracy in Latin America
Guillermo O’Donnell, Joseph S. Tulchin, and Augusto Varas, eds. with Adam Stubits
The Wilson Center, 2008
Guillermo O’Donnell, Joseph S. Tulchin, and Augusto Varas
Analyzing Legislative Success in Latin America: The Case of Democratic Argentina
Eduardo Alemán and Ernesto Calvo
Political Determinants of Legislative Budgetary Oversight: Party System Competitiveness and Party Cohesion in Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico
Alejandro Bonvecchi
The New Role of Subnational Governments in the Federal Policy Process: The Case of Democratic Mexico
Laura Flamand
Segmented Professionalismin Argentine Political Parties
Alberto Föhrig
A Lost Battle? Building Programmatic Party-Voter Linkages in Contemporary Latin America: A Comparative Analysis of Chile and Uruguay
Juan Pablo Luna
Participação e reforma do Estado: Sobre a arquitetura da participação em São Paulo, Brasil
Luciana Ferreira Tatagiba
Gender Within Ethnicity: Human Rights and Identity Politics in Ecuador
Manuela Lavina Picq
Afro-Peruvians in a Mestizo Nation: The Politics of Recognition, Cultural Citizenship, and Racial Democracy in Peru
Tanya Golash Boza
The Institutional Design of Multiculturalism in Nicaragua: Effects on Indigenous and Afrodescendant Collective Identities and Political Attitudes
Juliet Hooker
El libro completo se puede descargar aquí:
Charles Bukowski - es raro
[image: Charles Bukowski - es raro]
Versión: *Isaías Garde*
es raro cuando mueren los famosos
hayan peleado la buena batalla
o la mala batalla.
es raro...
Hace 3 horas.
1 comentario:
Os adjunto un cuadro con los niveles de riesgo de todos los paises latinoamericanos. Argentina el peor del mundo:
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